Happy 2nd Birthday Collider

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It's hard to believe that on August 15th, Collider Coworking will turn two years old.  Collider was born out of a desire to create a place where entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers can gather and feel like they are a part of a local community.  

Starting a business of any kind can feel isolating and lonely, but it doesn't have to be that way.  Collider helps to create a fun atmosphere to work as well as a community of like-minded people that genuinely want to see everyone succeed. 

Collider has had a tremendous impact on our local entrepreneurial and small business ecosystem over the last two years.  Collider has introduced people to new jobs, side gigs, and friendships.  We have also been a hub for hundreds of events that celebrate and inspire the growth of our local ecosystem. 

Collider couldn't have reached this point without our many members, sponsors, and visitors that have continued to support us over the last two years.  Most significantly, I have to single out the support of Hunter and Traci Downs, who have been spectacular partners in this enterprise.  They encouraged me to take the most significant risk of my adult life when I made the move from a stable job to an uncertain future with Collider.  

What's happening with Collider in the future?  All we can say is that we are working hard right now to figure it out.  Going forward we wish to build new partnerships with individuals and organizations across the region, and nationally that share our passion for helping entrepreneurs and small businesses continue to thrive in Southern Minnesota.  

The mission to create a robust local entrepreneurial ecosystem is far from complete.  It's going to take all of us working together to help define the course of the next 10 years.  

Here's to year three!


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