Big News

Recently, the Collider Foundation board announced that I would be stepping down as Executive Director of Collider on December 3rd. 

I have accepted a fantastic opportunity to be a part of a new and exciting initiative at Mayo Clinic called Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate.  

Five years ago, I reignited my passion for entrepreneurship and helping others. We started with Collider Coworking, a great space to work, connect, and build. The launch of the Collider Foundation in 2019 was a massive stepping stone to assist early-stage entrepreneurs in this community. In just two years, we have helped 100's of entrepreneurs reduce or remove barriers they were facing with their businesses.  

I'm now turning the reins over to my fabulous colleague, Amanda Leightner. Under Amanda's leadership, Collider Foundation will continue to grow and change as it continues its mission to activate, connect, and empower Rochester's early-stage entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm excited to see what's coming next.

Thanks so much to all of you for helping to contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Rochester. As always, if there is any way I can help, please let me know.



Collider is Hiring!


Executive Director's Note - August 29th, 2021