Q&A with Enrique Nuñez of La Receta

Collider is passionate about sharing the stories of local entrepreneurs and small business owners! Today on the blog, we share a Q&A with chef and owner of La Receta, Enrique Nuñez.

Q: What brought you to Rochester? 

A: Due to life circumstances, I unexpectedly came to the United States a few years ago. Now, I have a family here, but I have not disconnected from my country and everything I left behind there.

Q: What initially made you want to start cooking and what inspired you to start your catering business? 

A: I come from a family of restaurant entrepreneurs. My sister and I grew up in the environment of food and customer service. When I turned 20, with the help of my family, we opened what is now one of the most representative restaurants in the south of Peru, with my sister and my mother running the restaurant.

 After a few years working in different places here in Rochester, I decided that I had to do something different, something that would also allow me to be present in the growth of my children and do what I am truly passionate about: cooking from scratch and showing my culture through the already world-renowned Peruvian food. On one hand, it was missing the food from my country, and on the other hand, it was the need for Latin options in the city.

We want to offer Peruvian food, and why not also some Latin options. We will provide catering services and have a location where people can pick up their orders a few days a week. Additionally, we would like to participate in Rochester events.

Q: What are some challenges you faced while starting your business or since opening?

A: One of the biggest challenges as an immigrant, I think, is realizing that, far from family, friends and all the support you have, here you depend on yourself for everything. Finding people you can really trust, who understand your ideas and projects, is a challenge and an important thing to start with. Once you have the project in mind, you begin to see that all the procedures, permits and steps to follow are different from what you know.

Q: Has working with Collider been helpful in starting or growing your business?

A: Working with Collider was important because, first of all, they listened to us and helped us refine the ideas for the project. In addition, they guided us step by step in the process of what we had to do and facilitated contacts with the corresponding entities for the procedures

Q: What variety of foods can people order from you? 

A: We offer empanadas filled with traditional recipes, and some of the most representative dishes of Peru such as “Lomo saltado”, “Ají de Gallina, Ceviche, Arroz con Pollo, among others. Everything made from scratch, good ingredients and food safety measures. And we also make specials, not necessarily all of them from Peru. 

Q: What is the best way for people to find and order your food?

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Larecetaminnesota on Instagram and Facebook 

Email: larecetaminnesota@gmail.com

Q: Any big plans for the future? 

A: For now we want people to know us, to know that they already have a Peruvian alternative in Rochester, and for people who have not yet had the opportunity to try Peruvian food to know about it.

Q: What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

A: I love to travel, especially when it’s with family. Since I was little, my father took us on many trips. Back then, it could be exhausting, but now I’m grateful for the opportunity to have explored those places, met their people, experienced their culture, and, above all, tasted their food. I enjoy trying different cuisines because you always learn something new while traveling. No trip feels like enough—I truly cherish my free time spent with family and friends.

Thank you for taking the time to read Enrique’s story!

Learn more about La Receta.

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Q&A with Collider Board Member D'Angelo Tines