Q&A with Jessica Olson of Life with Extra Heart

Take a moment to meet Jessica Olson, prior CO.STARTERS graduate and current participant of our first incubator program!

Q: Share a bit about your business and who your target customers are! 

A: Life with Extra Heart is inspired by the unique way parents of children with special needs navigate the world, wearing their hearts on their sleeves and fostering deep connections.

Multiple studies have shown that parents of children with special needs experience greatly Increased stress levels, and Life with Extra Heart Is here to support them In meaningful ways.

Future offerings:

  • Holistic retreats, Including activities such as yoga, mindfulness, acupuncture, nature, education

  • Postpartum support for parents with a new diagnosis

  • Opportunities for parents/caregivers to pursue their own passions

  • Monthly parent group

  • Respite care

Our first mini-retreat is planned for May 11th!

Register here: https://lifewithextraheart.myflodesk.com/cwrkpxict7

Visit @lifewithextraheart on instagram or email jessica@lifewithextraheart.com

Q: What do you hope to get out of the incubator program? 

A: I hope to continue to dedicate time to launching other pieces of Life with Extra Heart, and to continue to learn from entrepreneurs before me.

Q: What is your motivation and inspiration for pursuing your business idea? 

A: I’ve always been drawn to helping parents, and when my youngest was born with Down syndrome, I knew this would be part of how I wanted to help. With an educational background in mental wellness and as a yoga instructor, I am passionate using my knowledge to help others care for themselves and connect with each other in authentic and sustainable ways.

I want to provide holistic wellness support to parents and caregivers of people with special needs and complex medical needs. We help parents discover and address “root cause” areas instead of bandaid solutions, and have resources to take care of themselves in healthy ways.

Q: Share a little bit about yourself, your background, and your hobbies and interests!

A: I live in Rochester with my husband, Ryan, and our three sons and dog.  I’ve worked in a variety of fields, most recently as a school counselor and yoga teacher.  I’m currently home with my two youngest boys.  

I am currently on a path of more intentional and meaningful living and enjoy music, being outdoors, and connecting with others.

Q: How has being involved in Collider programming and CO.STARTERS been of assistance to you so far in your business journey? 

A: CO.STARTERS opened my eyes to what was actually needed to start a successful business.  It gave me support and accountability, and I’ve also met some amazing people!  I am looking forward to continuing to grow with the incubator program and am grateful for the opportunity.


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