Let's talk Ride and Drive! I swear it is going to turn to spring sooner or later, and we want to make sure we are ready for it!
On Saturday April 27th from 10AM to 5PM Rochester will be hosting another great Earthfest Expo event. Last year Midwest Evolve and a few of the local dealers put on a well-received ride and drive event as part of it.
This year we are hoping to expand on that with a group of people from the Move Electric meetup group sharing their passion for electric vehicles!
This event we're going to go back to the setup from our first event where we'll have a lot of time for chatting and a few marker boards up for everyone to share their thoughts and ideas for what would make an excellent Ride and Drive event.
So as always, whether you drive an electric vehicle, or just have an interest, this is a great opportunity for you to share your ideas.